Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Different Name Same Blog

Hi friends, here are some new drawings from my Drawing II class this semester. These are what I work on when I'm not drawing cartoon dragons fyi. Enjoy

The first still life from this semester involving a (perhaps hip?) bone and a clamp. No intended symbolism here, just two random interesting looking objects. It was interesting trying to get back into still life drawing after so long of not doing. But I do love charcoal ever so much.

This next one I'm planning on inking over. I just couldn't do it to this original drawing because I liked it so much and undoubtedly I will ruin with ink, so I made a copy and am going to practice on that.

Here's a casting of a head. My teacher has many of these. Former students I guess. They could also be the heads of former students who didn't follow his instructions. Don't worry, I'll investigate.

Self portrait using silver point on a one of those pieces of paper you get at the paint store to test colors on.

And the 3 figure studies (nudity).

Here's an update on one of the 3 comic projects I've got started. All of them are at least one page in and going incredibly slow, but progress is being made! This one is in its rough stage and word bubbles will be added. It's definitely been fun doing these, hopefully they'll get better as I go along but it pretty cool learning stuff right now. That's frank and herb. They make deliveries. They're really bad at it.

Thanks for looking!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

rusty painted

Hey, haven't updated in a long while. Decided to put up the finished Rusty image. He came out well I think, had a lot of fun painting him.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Further Bad guy reworking

The bad guy in the comic, or one of many, has taken a while to come to. This one is not 100%, but I'm thinking it's at least 95% done. In further news I'm going to Cape Town soon. I'll get to see penguins. Like in Happy Feet.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Painting done

Here's the finished painting of "Attack of the Grickens!" I like how it turned out. Took long enough:) Some real progress on character development for the comic. Maybe a snap shot of one of them soon.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Painting is fun!

Here's a semi-painted attack of the grickens. I've decided to go with a sunset for the setting, I tried painting the scene in different lights, but this one kept wanting sunset so I gave in. Been doing a lot of thumbnails for the story, hopefully I'll get another page inked before I go. I work sooo slooowww, but i still enjoy it, hopefully i'll get quicker...quicker:)

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Yikes! Attack of the Grickens!/KFG

Hallo, just wanted to post a new picture. Doesn't really go with the story I'm working on but it was an image that kept dancing around in my brain, so it had to come out. I'm in the middle of painting in photoshop. In other news I went snorkeling today at Ushaka beach near the harbor mouth. The sea was placid today my friends, like an old man drinking a mint julip on a kentucky wrap around porch. It was so nice, saw many fish and got to do a bit of surf-ski kayaking as well.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Cap'n Blackbarnacle and my mug

Hey folks, here's a few new images. One is Cap'n Blackbarnacle, he's an old salty seadog of the Narwhale persuasion and will sooner toss you the sharks than look at ya. And then there's me. I'll just probably shake your hand and say "nice to meet you" even if its not true. Me and the Cap'n are very different.

Saturday, February 28, 2009


Lately I've been working a lot on the comic, it's going slowly but I'm sure I'll get quicker as time goes on. Anyways, I generally work on sketches and fun stuff in coffee shops around here to switch up my surroundings.
normal work place, I've commandeered the southern half of the dining room table.

and the coffee shop:

Drawing goofy pictures in public also allows me to meet new people which i'm told is a good thing. This is at the Corner Cafe, and because of the Mr. Rusty Robot I drew, I got to meet Nike, a server there. Hooray for drawing.

In an exciting note, today I started actually inking the first page of the comic. For those of you who don't know, generally an artist uses pencils to first layout a page, then he or another artist will go over it with ink. Then you can paint it if you want, which I will do some day down the line. Anyways this is a big step for me!
see these are the boxes where the drawlings go!
and the FIRST PANEL! Yayz!

And a self portrait, i'm trying to do a couple of these a week, so if you're on facebook, you'll probably see more of 'em.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Medieval Robot?

That's right it's a robot. He'll be in the comic a little later on, not initally, but he's so fun to draw, as most robots are.
I had my first non-zoo gecko siting today. It rocked.

Thursday, February 12, 2009


This is Herb. He's a nearsighted dragon. I'll probably be switching around the colors on him, so nobody get too attached. He's not really cold, he just wanted to look cool like Frank did in his heroic stance below. Frank doesn't think too much of Herb's imitation and says find your own cool accessory that flaps in the wind.
Maybe 1 more character shot tomorrow, but that will probably be it as far as those go.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

I'll be Frank with you. Shirley you can't be serious.

Hey, this is a little character sheet for one of the main guys in the comic. Hopefully the other one will be up tomorrow. I like how these are coming out. A lot of room for improvement, but a good start.
I'll do a few more of these for the main characters, but past that I'll probably just put up shots of the thumbnails or development sketches for the actual comic. But not too much, don't want to give away the story:)

Friday, February 6, 2009

Forest Antagonista

Here's a sketch I did today. I really liked how my bad dude turned out, so I decided to see what he might look like colored. I like him. He likes to live in dirty, dank environments so algae and moss grow in his fur.
Also, as far as my life in Durban goes, I woke up at 2 last night and couldn't go back to bed for a few hours thank you very much jetlag. Christy, Jess and I went to the gym today. I was very nice but all the weights were in kilos, so i just went around til a found something heavy to lift. Anyways it was fun. pretty good day. til next time. goodbye.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Arrival and some sketches


Hey everyone, just got into Durban last night. Christy and Jess picked me up from the airport, which was very nice of them. The trip to Durban was quite a different one. If you've ever tried getting actual sleep on an airplane over a 15 and half hour flight then you understand. Even with the sleeping pill it was a challenge. But I made due. We had our own personal tv's, so I watched the Rocker and even got to see the plane land and take off from a camera mounted on the tail of the plane. I also got to do a bit of drawing.

Prototype for the imps that are going to be the mail delivery service in the comic. Imperial Malevolent Parcel Service. IMPS kind of a play off of UPS if you couldn't figure that out already. My favorite tag line is "Neither snow, nor sleet, nor hell can stop an IMP deliveryman." I also like "Service with an evil smile."

Frank and Herb arguing about Frank's navigational skills.

amulet, angry Herb with glasses and some thug.

These next 3 are just me developing the forest dwelling baddy's from the first story run that Silas and I just finished. I like the last one's head, gonna work on some variations of that I think.



oh and here's a truck i did in 3d. not related to this trip at all:)


Sunday, January 25, 2009

quick sketch

Here's a quick sketch I did. Tried to fit it in the title box but it hid the text so it's down here instead. The dragon/dinosaur looking creature's name is Herb. You'll see more of him soon.

Friday, January 23, 2009

First Post, Redundant Redundant Title

Initially this might be a misleading blog. I am not currently in South Africa, only preparing to be so, but I am working on the comic. So I'm only half lying. And we all know half liars go to...purgatory. or something. Anyways, thanks immediate family and few friends who followed this link from facebook for being interested in my travels and works. Images and descriptions of real life and fictional events are to follow!