Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Different Name Same Blog

Hi friends, here are some new drawings from my Drawing II class this semester. These are what I work on when I'm not drawing cartoon dragons fyi. Enjoy

The first still life from this semester involving a (perhaps hip?) bone and a clamp. No intended symbolism here, just two random interesting looking objects. It was interesting trying to get back into still life drawing after so long of not doing. But I do love charcoal ever so much.

This next one I'm planning on inking over. I just couldn't do it to this original drawing because I liked it so much and undoubtedly I will ruin with ink, so I made a copy and am going to practice on that.

Here's a casting of a head. My teacher has many of these. Former students I guess. They could also be the heads of former students who didn't follow his instructions. Don't worry, I'll investigate.

Self portrait using silver point on a one of those pieces of paper you get at the paint store to test colors on.

And the 3 figure studies (nudity).

Here's an update on one of the 3 comic projects I've got started. All of them are at least one page in and going incredibly slow, but progress is being made! This one is in its rough stage and word bubbles will be added. It's definitely been fun doing these, hopefully they'll get better as I go along but it pretty cool learning stuff right now. That's frank and herb. They make deliveries. They're really bad at it.

Thanks for looking!